Shareholders’ Meetings

The documents of Company’s General Meetings are available in the section “CVM filing“.

Remote Voting

The Company’s shareholders may, in the cases provided for by CVM Instruction No. 481, as well as in other general meetings in which the Company decides to adopt the remote voting form, vote on the matters of said meetings, by completing and sending their voting instruction to the Remote Voting Form attached to the meeting’s Manual.

The Remote Voting Form must:

  • be available for printing and filling out, through links previously indicated in the respective meeting’s Manual; and
  • be sent to the Company by 7 (seven) days prior to the date of the general meeting. Any voting forms sent after this period will not be considered.

Once the remote voting deadline has expired, shareholders may not change their voting instructions already sent, except if in person, or by means of a legally constituted proxy, at the actual meeting before the matters on the agenda have been put to vote.

As for the formalities required for the acceptance of the Remote Voting Form, the following documents must be sent to the Company’s headquarters, to the attention of the Investor Relations team:

  • the original remote voting form, duly completed, initialed (all pages), and signed;
  • a certified copy of the following documents:
  • for individual shareholders: photo ID (RG, RNE, CNH or passport);
  • for legal entities: photo ID (RG, RNE, CNH or passport) of the legal representatives and the latest bylaws/social contract along with other corporate documents proving the powers of representation;
  • for investment funds: photo ID (RG, RNE, CNH or passport) of the legal representatives and the latest bylaws/social contract of the administrator, or manager, observing the fund’s voting policy, along with the corporate documents proving the powers of representation.

The Company requires notarized signatures on the Remote Voting (in Brazil and overseas for international investors).

All documents must be sent to the Company at the following address:

Grupo SBF – Attn: Investor Relations Department
Avenida Doutora Ruth Cardoso, Edifício Birmann, n° 7.221, 3º andar, Pinheiros, CEP 05425-902, São Paulo

The shareholder may also send a digital copy of the documents and Remote Voting Form to the Company by e-mail to However, the Company must also receive the original physical copies and Remote Voting Form by seven (7) days prior to the date of the respective Meeting, at the address provided above.

Within three (3) days of receipt of said documents, the Company will inform the shareholder,
through the e-mail address indicated on the Remote Voting Form, its receival acceptance.

If the Remote Voting Form is not regularly filled out or if the supporting documents are not provided, it will be disregarded and the shareholder will be informed through the e-mail address indicated on the Remote Voting Form, in which case a new Remote Voting Form must be sent, along with the supporting documents, respecting the established deadlines for the receipt of such materials.

The Company will notify shareholders if the documents received are insufficient for the vote to be considered valid.

During the voting period, shareholders may send new voting instructions to the Company and only the last voting instruction sent to the Company will be considered.

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