1. Where are Grupo SBF S.A.’s shares traded?

The shares are registered for trading at B3 under the code “SBFG3”, on the Novo Mercado segment, which offers the highest standards of corporate governance practices. You can track the share price, quotes and charts on our website (www.ri.gruposbf.com.br/en) or on the Bovespa website (www.bovespa.com.br).

2. How can I contact the Investor Relations Department?

Av. Dra. Ruth Cardoso, 7221, Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, Brasil | CEP: 05425-070

ri@gruposbf.com.br / ri@centauro.com.br

Or send your message through our website: Contact IR.

3. How and where does Grupo SBF disclose its information?

All documents, such as quarterly financial statements, press releases, presentations, material facts, notices to shareholders and other notices to the market are simultaneously disclosed at CVM (www.cvm.gov.br) and on our Investor Relations website (www.ri.gruposbf.com.br/en). The most relevant information is sent by email to everyone who registers in our mailing.

4. How can I receive the most relevant information from Grupo SBF?

Sign up for our mailing by clicking here. We send such information by email to everyone who registers.

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